Blue River, yours truly on the right
My recording studio
At work in the studio
Hi, I’m John. This site is a showcase for some of my songs as well as a few pages of hints and songwriting and other allied topics.
The About page gives you some information about me. The Songs link at the top of this page takes you to some of the songs I’ve written and recorded where, if you're interested, you can listen to them as well as read the lyrics. The Guides & Tips pages include information on how I go about writing and recording songs, together with tips I hope might be useful to other home recording and songwriting enthusiasts (there’s a lot of us out there!). Visit the Gallery page if you want to see pictures of my studio, recording equipment and guitars. The Links page includes useful web sites dealing with home recording and music making. Finally, there’s a Contact page for you to send me any feedback or questions. Thanks for dropping by!